A Hedge Fund Manager has been required to pay a multi-million dollar legal fee in anticipation of divorce proceedings - to the tune of $4.1 million dollars. Unfortunately for me, I didn’t marry rich. I wasn’t even close. If you ever see me randomly kicking myself that’s probably the reason.
Clearly, this high level case is going down in the bitter divorce battle history books, but what about us not so financially fortunate? I’m one of the many cases in which there was no financial push/pull because, in all honesty, there was nothing to fight over.
Our combined savings at the time was about $10k. I woke up one morning, checked the bank account and realized half was gone. That settled that argument. Fast forward to the start of 2016, my daughter has already turned one and I’m a homeowner thanks to my mother’s down payment.
While I don’t recall how I managed to save and pull together money to make some minimal, but necessary changes to the home (slightly under $10k) a whole new world of financial responsibilities opened their doors to me. I was not ready.
My mantra throughout this time was, you got this. When children are involved the self-imposed pressure to make little to no mistakes is even greater. I needed to make it right. Hello self-help books! Hello, Dave Ramsey and so many others.
Money, as we're all aware, is a huge determining factor. I am determined not to put myself in a position where I would make impulsive decisions based on finances. It's time to truly empower myself.
Going through a divorce is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. It is important that I'm in control. My first step was sitting down and truly reviewing my expenses and budget.
This is where my journey begins. The Singles’ Coin Club originates from a strong desire to leave behind a legacy my daughter can be proud of. I’m not a financial advisor/consultant. I am a single mother looking to share my experiences and learn something new along the way.
Here’s hoping I rebound like Meghan Markle!